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Growth Strategy

Our growth strategy is focused on remaining a low-cost provider of shell eggs located near our customers, offering our customers choices that meet their requirements for eggs and egg products and continuing to grow our focus on specialty eggs and egg products.

In light of the growing customer demand and increased legal requirements for cage-free eggs, we intend to continue to closely evaluate the need to expand through selective acquisitions, with a priority on those that will facilitate our ability to expand our cage-free shell egg production capabilities in key locations and markets. We will also continue to closely evaluate the need to continue to expand and convert our own facilities to increase production of cage-free eggs based on a timeline designed to meet the anticipated needs of our customers and comply with evolving legal requirements. As the ongoing production of cage-free eggs is more costly than the production of conventional eggs, aligning our cage-free production capabilities with changing demand for cage-free eggs is important to the success of our business.

Growth Strategy Graph: Organic Growth, inorganic growth and Value-added Products.
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